Mining Expedition Guidebook

The Mining Expedition Guidebook is still a work in progress.

This Advanced Armory expansion allows you to use your existing game boards, maps, miniatures, and dice to go on mining expeditions. We provide the game mechanics, cards, and tiles/tokens.

  • Simple Mode: This is the most basic version of our mining system. This mini-game requires little or no extra gaming assets from us to get your hands dirty. You can purchase this as a PDF digital download, or have a copy printed for you. Simple Mode rules will also be included in the Guidebook.

  • Homestead Mode: Has your party ever wanted to design their own dungeon/base? Homestead Mode allows them to work together to lay out their future base of operations on paper, and then carve it out of the side of the mountain. As they mine out each room, they will use the Expedition Deck to discover loot, hazards, and monsters. Once their dungeon has been dug, they can use the wealth they accumulated during the digging to buy furniture to decorate it.

  • Expedition Mode: This is our fully realized modular expansion. You can pick up a full boxed expansion with everything you need, or pick and choose individual components.

    • Digital PDF guidebook or get a physical copy printed.

    • Everything will be orderable from TheGameCrafter individually, or as one big boxed set.

    • Printerstudio will have the card products available separately for print-on-demand. Regarding the boxed game, we are still looking for printers in the UK/EU who can host this kind of project.


Expedition Deck